Registration form

Thank you for trusting us and booking our services for your adventure activity.

We ask you to fill out the following questionnaire in order to know more about you and your ability to tackle the activity and thus be able to provide the best service.

The information provided will only be transmitted to the guides that will accompany you. It is very important that they know any special or delicate situation so that at no time the safety of anyone is beeing compromised.

IMPORTANT: Once you have filled out the form you will receive an email with the information you have sent us, please check SPAM. We kindly ask you to respond to our mail, in order to validate the data by your own reply (reply mail). It is necessary that we receive your reply to finish your registration.


    Contact Information


    Name (*)

    1º Surname (*)

    2º Surname (if you have)

    E-Mail (*)

    Personal Phone (*)

    Emergency contact Phone (*)

    Instagram user

    Facebook user

    Birth date (*)

    Sex (*)

    Height (please specify if in cm. or ft.) (*)

    Blood type (only if you are absolutly sure)

    City where you have lived for the past 3 months (*)

    Country of Origin (*)

    ¿Any kind of food that you can't eat? (*):

    ¿What other mountains have you climbed?

    What sports do you practice regularly?

    Any allergy, illness, disability or commentary that your guides should know and that can help or affect your activity performance?: (*)


    Your Adventure Details


    What activity will you do? (*)

    Name of the adventure (For example: Pico de Orizaba, Iztaccihuatl, La Malinche, El Boquerón, Sierra del Tenso, El Aguacate, etc) (*)

    Number of days that your activity will last? (*)

    Start date (*) (First mountain day with us)

    End date (*) (Last mountain day with us)

    How did you know about us?(*)


    Agreement contract


    I acknowledge by signing this form that outdoor excursions and the practice of adventure sports (mountain climbing, rock climbing, canyoning and waterfalls, mountain biking, rappelling, hiking, etc.) involve taking some risks due to the environment And the nature of them.

    Therefore some of these risks are beyond the reach and control of the instructors and guides, so I decide to carry them out at my own risk and I am aware that an accident can happen. Therefore, I release all responsibility for these concepts to the instructors, expedition guides and 3Summits Adventure & Team Building.

    I also note that I do not suffer any illness that prevents me from carrying out the activity or puts my safety or anyothers at risk when practicing it.

    I have completely read the present written and agreeing to all the contents of the same, I declare that all the information that I have provided is true.


    The options marked with (*) are obligatory


    I have read and agree with all of the above.


    If you already now what gear you will need, please fill in this link to introduce your sizes:



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